Friday, February 24, 2012


      I was so excited to hear about this new project, Sucre' ....and not just because its French for sugar and I happen to love both the French language and all things sugary and sweet! This is a combination of three of some of Adam and I's favorite bands: Eisley, MuteMath, and Jeremy Larson. Its a beautiful mix and I cannot wait for their album to come out in April (conveniently the day after my birthday I hear). 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I'm in love, I'm in love and I don't care who knows it

       A few days before our wedding Adam wrote a song for me about our wedding day and our life together that would just be beginning. I knew nothing about it (he's really good at keeping secrets) until he played it for me for the first time on our wedding day when we came back to our lovely country home as Mr. and Mrs. Cox. I loved it more than I could say, so I mostly just cried. He is so amazingly talented and creative and wonderful. 
    He recorded the song for me as a Christmas gift this year and I have been meaning to put it up before now but I wasn't sure how to do that until I made him do it for me (he's also a technological genius). In sum, Adam is awesome and also he would be furious if he knew I was saying all these wonderful things about him. But really I have a marvelously magnificent husband and I'm not just saying that because its Valentine's day. I am blessed and I know it. But that's enough's the song and lyrics!

*Note: In case you don't recall the theme of our wedding was 'let love grow' which is where some of the inspiration came from....enjoy!

Never Fade
It's not in a name, it's in your eyes
You'll always be the moon in my sky so bright
Now take mine as yours, we'll give it everything
We will walk through our days under love, unafraid of what they bring

When the clouds roll in
I will shelter you from the rain
And my love will shine through the dark
It will never fade, it will never fade, it will never fade

Few hours have past, now there's years left to go
Time to cultivate love, sow it deep, feel it grow
May our hearts overflow, let them not be contained
Then we'll blanket our world in the fragrance of spring

When the clouds roll in
I will shelter you from the rain
And my love will shine through the dark
It will never fade, it will never fade, it will never fade

When the clouds roll in
We'll look up and give thanks for the rain 
And our love will shine through the dark
It will never fade, it will never fade, it will never fade
Our love will never fade

Never Fade

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


"Friendship is acting out God's love for people in tangible ways. 
We were made to represent the love of God in each other's lives, so that each person we walk though life with has a more profound sense of God's love for them.
 Friendship is an opportunity to act on God's behalf in the lives of the people that we're close to, reminding each other who God is. When we do the hard intimate work of friendship, we bring a little more of the divine into daily life."
 - Cold Tangerines 

     I love this quote and I thought about it nearly every day for four years because I had the most incredible friends. I thought every day about how each one of them showed me the character of God in small and big ways and how my growing relationship with them made me feel closer to God. I was so incredibly and remarkably blessed to live with and spend my time with some of the most beautiful people I have met. 
   All of this is to say that I had another little taste of this divine on Saturday when I spent time with Brittany and Kayla. It is such an incredible feeling to be in their presence. Who they are is astounding, really. And to be with friends who know you is one of my favorite feelings. There are no need for introductions or explanations. No need for first impressions and nerves. It's easy and relaxed and soothing to the soul. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

One Charming Party

Ok this site is the most adorable thing I have ever seen! It has millions of perfect party ideas with free printables and recipes and whatever else you need to have fun! Seriously though, who doesn't want to have a cutesy Valentine's breakfast?