Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I am thankful for my first Thanksgiving with Adam. 
I am thankful for family and new family. 
I am thankful for a husband that loves me to no end. 
I am thankful for a holiday set aside to be thankful. 
I am thankful for a time to reflect and realize that despite all the comparing and complaining I am blessed beyond measure. 
I am thankful that I spent yesterday with Elle and Kayla Maree, my heart was overwhelmed and spilling over with joy. 
I am thankful that I am able to continue my education and eventually do something I love. 
I am thankful for a job and co-workers that are fun and encouraging and make hours at work fly by. 
I am thankful for holiday traditions and the beauty of this season. 
I am thankful for my country home and our farmer neighbors. 
I am thankful that my life is extraordinary and beautiful and fun and busy and full of love. 

I have so many more things to be thankful for and I plan to make this a year round attitude but Thanksgiving is a good starting point I suppose. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Parting is such sweet sorrow

The weather has been hinting that I am going to have to let go of Fall soon, so today I said my farewell with the last of the pumpkin frozen yogurt I have in my freezer. It was sad and delicious......but mostly delicious

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Small Town Livin'

So I'm going home from work, driving through the bustling metropolis that is Upland Indiana when my eyes spy something out of the ordinary at Ivanhoe's. A white suburban limo is sitting in front of Ivanhoe's, just chillin'. A driver dressed in a suit gets out of the driver's seat and opens the passengers doors. At this point I'm expecting a local celebrity to hop out (like Garfield or something) but instead an average family of four, dressed in jeans and t-shirts exits the limo and goes into Ivanhoe's like nothing is strange about their mode of transportation. I couldn't believe it. My only theory is that perhaps they were hoping since they arrived in a limo they would be able to cut the never-ending dinner line at Ivanhoe's, if so....I think it was a solid plan. I'm hoping to find out the real explanation in the paper next week, because I know there is no way something this big would escape the Upland paper!