Thursday, October 6, 2011


Marriage Lesson #22: In marriage you share everything, including sickness.

Well, for the past two weeks I have been in varying stages of having sickness...sore throats, coughing, sneezing, congestion, aching, etc. And then my dear husband, who waited on me handed and foot, received his reward this week in the form of a stuffy nose, headache, and fatigue. Needless to say, we have been a lot of fun for the past few days. We have gone through several boxes of tissues, consumed two and half gallons of orange juice, and drugged ourselves with allergy medicine, vitamins, cough suppressants, and mucinex continuously. But thankfully today we are both feeling ten times better than earlier in the week. All this is to say that in the past two weeks I drank more hot drinks than I have ever in my life and I came to a realization..... I want a giant coffee mug! I want a big mug that you have to hold with two hands so that it can warm your hands while simultaneously giving you a steamy facial. You know the kind people drink out in the movies when they are home alone on a rainy night and the mug makes the way they drink it look artistic and classy. And it can't be shallow either, no one likes a shallow mug. So while I avoided homework during my sickness I looked for mugs, but to no avail. However, I did find some great pictures.....

This one is a little big for my taste, but don't you wish you lived in this town???

This one isn't out of the question, and if Amy Poehler drinks out of it, it must be great! 

So the hunt continues for the perfect mug with hope that I find it before the cold creeps in and that I don't need it due to sickness for a long time. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to be on a search for a mug for you too. That will be something fun for me to do and occupy my mind with something good in the midst of my chaos. I love you sweets. I'm glad you and Adam are feeling better. It is never fun being sick. Tell Adam Hi and I love him too.
