Monday, October 1, 2012

Spontaneous Peace

   This past Friday was one of my favorite days in this, my favorite season. 

The day began with Adam and I eating breakfast together at Panera. They graciously sliced and toasted a piece of Autumn perfection (a pumpkin pie bagel) just for me and I, very sincerely, proclaimed "I can't believe this is happening to me!" While we ate we had time to talk, and not about work or homework or stress, just time to talk and laugh and people watch.  Then we joined some beautiful friends for lunch and talked about the joy and love they are experiencing as a baby is promising to come into their family soon. Adam and I felt so honored to be there for another piece of this baby's unfolding story. 

   Then one of the best parts occurred in the afternoon during our time of waiting. We were waiting to pick up our dog from the vet and waiting to go to Adam's brother's for dinner so we decided to revisit one of our favorite places, the Indianapolis Art Museum gardens. We grabbed a blanket and books and trekked out to a large patch of sunned, yet shaded grass were we laid out our blanket and relaxed. I had every intention of reading but I drifted to sleep under the trees that were dropping leaves into my hair and all over my book. I'm not sure if it was the slight autumn chill combined with the sun's warmth that lulled me to sleep or if it was the peace I felt being somewhere secluded and silent but I slept well. Its the kind of sleep that you wake from feeling perfectly rested and slightly warm inside with a bit of heaviness in your limbs. It was perfection, and exactly what I needed

The moments from this day were so beautiful and as I remember them I just can't help but love the story that Adam and I are telling, even in a season of stress and busyness, with small moments like these that feel surreal and untouchable. I feel so grateful for a husband who helps craft these times and who fills them with more love and brown-eyed smiles than I could have imagined. 


  1. So very precious. It almost made me cry. I probably would have cried if I were alone but your dad is here and if I started crying I would have to explain why and I just didn't feel like it so I am holding back the tears. I'm glad you got some peace and rest, you sure do deserve it. I am very proud of you and all that you are accomplishing. I love you.

  2. I couldn't have asked for a better day than that one! It was just perfect!
