Monday, January 2, 2012

Farewell 2011

This past year has been the most eventful year of my life thus far and I have a feeling it will be hard to compete with in the future. 
          In 2011.....
   I had my first college snow day ever! 
   I planned a wedding and attended a million bridal festivities. 
   I graduated college and said goodbye to my best friends as they scattered to the four      
   corners of the United States. 
   I got married. MARRIED. 
   I moved for the first time ever (besides college, which doesn't really count in my book)...      
   packed boxes and moved furniture around -  even rented a U-Haul!
   I started two new jobs. 
   I embarked on the adventure that is graduate school and completed one semester. 
   I spent every holiday with Adam for the first time ever and enjoyed every second of it. 

    I think if I have another year like this any time soon my life will be insane! But as I was looking back on the year I realized that I don't want to let 2011 be the peak of my life experiences. I'm only 23 for crying out loud! So I've made plans to have adventures this year, and love people, and be productive, and enjoy each of the 52 weeks I have between me and 2013.
I'm going to live 2012 with intentionality and gusto. 

So long 2011, it's been real. 
And HELLO 2012, let's live it up!


  1. i heard your voice in my head when i read the line: "I'm only 23 for crying out loud!"

    you are cute. i love this. I'm glad I know and you and glad to have known your 2011 and hope to continue being a part of 2012!! wo!
    love you.

  2. I am so proud of all your accomplishments. And like you said you have a lot to look forward to 2012. I love you.
