Tuesday, January 10, 2012


    It is amazing how having one semester's experience can make you feel like a pro the next semester. I remember feeling that way in undergrad and I'm feeling it again today - on my first day of second semester in grad school.

    On my first day last semester I was nervous most of the day and stared at my closet swearing I had nothing that was appropriate for grad school. I kept trying to strike the balance of dressing like an adult but not stuck up and looking casual but not like a slob. And I brought all my books with me as if the professor was going to ask us for evidence that we had purchased our books or give us a pop quiz over everything that day.

    Today, however, I spent most of the day in my PJ's reading a book, listening to Rosie Thomas and chatting with my husband over his lunch break.

So today I feel confident to face graduate school yet again.

This of course may change after the syllabus shock kicks in but right now I'm feeling like a pro!

Ready. Set. Go.

1 comment:

  1. Every time I read one of your blogs I am just amazed at your ability to write. I really think you should have these published. I hope your second semester goes well for you. I love you my sweet girl.
