Thursday, January 5, 2012


I got a sewing machine for Christmas!!! (and subsequently a sewing room AKA I claimed the guest room as mine before Adam knew what was happening) Adam's parents bought me the sewing machine and his mother gave me tons of sewing lessons over the weekend. I used it as soon as I got home to make that cutesy little owl guy on my sewing shelf. He was supposed to be a pin cushion but I feel bad sticking him with needles so he is just going to be for decoration...and friendly company while I sew. I love doing crafty things and I can't wait to do them with my sewing machine. One of my goals for the year is to complete four sewing projects. I wanted to start with a small number due to my graduate school-ness that gets in the way of hobbies...doesn't make sense, I know!


  1. Very cute sweetie. Love the owl.

  2. AWESOME! I love the owl!! Good work, Maloon! :]
