Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Real life, for real

All of my grad school books are here. 

That means something, I think. 

It means that life and routine are about to change once more. It means a lot less lazy day leisure reading and morning bike rides with nothing to think about. But it also means learning and changing and growing and progressing and being a real life adult with lots of things to do. I think I'm ready. I have grown-up clothes, a bag that doesn't have handmade things sewn to it, and books full of new adventure. I'm ready. 


  1. I haven't told you lately how very proud I am of you. You are going to do great. Just remember no matter how grown up you are, you are still my little girl. I love you bunches.

  2. you got a new backpack!? I can't wait to see it! I hope you are planning on coming to hang out with me in Mcconn or the library or my lodge when you need to study.

    and i'll probably sneak over to your house in similar times ;)
