Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get to Adam and Malinda's house.

No, this is not another blog about how my niece and nephew love jokes....although I did just skype Peyton on his first day of school and the whole thing turned into another giant knock-knock joke and not a whole lot about what happened at school.

But back to the chicken. Adam and I are driving back to our house, we pull into our driveway and to our surprise there is a chicken in our yard! I don't know why he was trying to get to our house, maybe he knew I was a vegetarian and was trying to thank me. Or maybe he wanted to bask in the sunlight hitting our house? Regardless, the closer we got to our garage the more confused the poor guy got and then he started running full speed the opposite direction. Have you ever seen a single chicken run full speed? Its hilarious. It's like a combination pterodactyl and determined tri-athlete. Adam and I were dying laughing. I hope he stops by again sometime.

Did I mention I live in the country?

Please tell me this picture is real life. 


  1. Hahaha! It really was a hilarious moment to see that chicken take off at full speed! I believe that's the same chicken that would come running when I had to put food out for the neighbor's cats. He would run up and peck away at the food right beside all the barn cats!

  2. Loved the story. It made me laugh out loud. Chickens are just plain fun to watch. Probably even funnier watching one running at full speed.
    I'm glad you get to skpe Peyton and Ava. They do love knock knock jokes.
    I love you my sweet girl. Tell my awesome son-in-law hi too.

  3. I keep coming to your blog hoping for another new one. I just love reading your stories. Love you bunches.
